Sunday, August 31, 2008


I man had a heard of cows, and he gave one of the calves to his son.  One night there was a storm, and the next day his son went to look for his calf.  He couldn't find his calf in the heard, but he found that the storm had blown down the fence; and then he noticed the neighbor to the south had branded his cows that morning, and the boys calf and its mother had wandered into the neighbor heard in the night and now wore the neighbors brand on their side.

The boy went to his father and explained what he had found.

The wise father said, we have 2 choices:

1.  We can go to the neighbor, and try to explain what happened, and try to get the cows back, it would be his word against ours, and would defiantly cause strife between us for years to come.

2.  We can not mention it to him, I can give you the next calf we get, and we can keep the relationship we have with the neighbor.

The son thought for a min. and then said they should do #2.

In doing so, the neighbor never knew about the mistake, but the young boy will never forget the lesson learned.  And hundreds have been in awe at the Christ like mercy extend by the faithful farmer to a neighbor who never knew he had done wrong.

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